Friday, February 18, 2011

Robb White Deathwatch Summaries

from - forever young If you live longer ... ... is right. An infallible criterion. Just as your marathon time: Who runs faster, is right. Whether that's training or diet now ... The winner has proved his point.

Also applies to the body weight. For BMI. The largest study - See News from 18:02:07 - comprised 1.7 million people. Interestingly, of two cultures. Is all people were judged, therefore, came as how it is. Result: The longest living people had with the

BMI 20-24

much you make is not clear that this is a fairly wide range. At 176 cm in height, includes the 62 kg to 74.4 kg. Note: The WHO "healthy" BMI of 18.5 to 25 Whatever is healthy.

Now there's a second, sufficiently large meta-analysis. Includes 1.46 million whites (express) from 19 - 84 years. Explicitly all "healthy and Non smoking. Does that mean in practice that This study precisely on, dear readers, is cut.

The result is indeed quite similar. The longest life, so the lowest death rate, for whatever reason, there was a

BMI 20 to 24.9

So a bit lax, if you consider only whites. If you are one of the lucky ones for whom this BMI 20 - 24.9 is true, you certainly read you. How much more likely to die than the others? Then go:

BMI 15 to 18.4 ... 47 percent more deaths
BMI from 18.5 to 19.9 ... 14 percent more deaths
BMI 25 to 29.9 ... 13 percent more deaths
BMI 30 to 34.9 ... 44 percent more deaths
BMI 35 to 39.9 ... 88 percent more deaths
BMI 40 to 49.9 ... 151 percent more deaths

Conclusion: Models are wrong as well as members of parliament. Too thin is just as wrong as too thick. For both professional groups I could name names.

Source: N Engl J Med 2010; 363:2211-2219 December 2, 2010


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