How do I find the right words about this topic:
Dear Deja,
this week in Germany, a young minister resigned. For a long time, he is a "shining light" have been a ray of hope - the politician with the highest popularity ratings in the country, who impressed in particular by his special personal credibility and thereby reached the hearts of men.
was then revealed that he had copied large portions of his doctoral work, without indicating the actual author. First he denied and called the allegations "absurd", he was "a mistake" to later "grave error" and apologized to the end he returned the doctorate -. And a few days later his office he has in no. Time his greatest asset - its credibility - playful.
it had a chance to better trust management given? Can you save in a situation like his personal credibility at all? Or lost trust is gone forever?
sure you are doing in an environment in which a belligerent opposition is just waiting to remove the stars from the other side, very difficult. And persons living with high media coverage already constantly between the highest enthusiasm and destructive criticism.
And yet: Large sections of the population responded initially with a " Have we not all sometimes written off? .. "Many would have been willing to forgive what seemed but increasingly negative, was the handling of the minister with the charge: In contrast to his otherwise very direct manner, he began to dance around the issue porridge
it. Not only was the offense itself, which destroyed the trust -. it was also dealing with the error
If even once occur in a similar situation, be it in your job or in your personal life, we encourage you to apply the appropriate 13 trust by Stephen MR Covey rules . If you have lost the trust of others, can help the following procedure:
- Take responsibility: Stand up for your mistakes. Do not point the finger at others and push no reasons.
- Communicate your intention: let the others know that you want to make up your offense again.
- If you hear the and show them your respect.
- Explain your solution: Share exactly what behavior you want to correct by your mistakes and what behavior you can expect in future from you.
- Keep your promise to Put quite consistent to what you announced
As you can see that.? What is important in acute crises of confidence? Can you make trust again? Or did you by the offense already forfeited the right to trust, regardless of the trust management for it?
Your opinion interests me!
(reader responses selected on the last Leadership Pulse, see here .)
Alexandra Altmann
CEO / Managing Director
Germany Leadership Institute GmbH Bavariafilmplatz 3
Tel: 49 89 45 21 48-0 Fax: 49 89 45 21 48-48
a.altmann @
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